Free £75 AdWords Voucher X 3. (Subject To £25 Spend Within 31 Days)

You have to set up a new account and spend £25 within 31 days to qualify for the £75 worth of free clicks.

These vouchers expire on the 18th March (I think) so you’ll need to be quick..

If you want one of these 3 vouchers (no strings attached), just leave a comment below about what you would use it for.


If you do avail of this offer, be sure to check out the PPCNI

Top 20 AdWords Tips

article to maximise the value for money that you get from these coupons….

If you would like to read a bit more about Pay Per Click advertising see our About PPC page.

NB – If you are not lucky enough to win the £75 voucher, click on the following link for details on how to get an AdWords coupon worth at least £30 or $50 :-

If you would like a voucher for more than £30, then please subscribe to the PPCNI blog, as we regularly give away bigger vouchers …

Voucher image courtesy of

4 thoughts on “Free £75 AdWords Voucher X 3. (Subject To £25 Spend Within 31 Days)

  1. jean says:

    thank you for this kind gesture, please send me this coupon to advertise my website on the email above.
    best regards,

  2. Jordan says:

    A Voucher is on it’s way to you now…

  3. beppo says:

    Hi there,

    Can I please have a coupon?


  4. Jordan says:

    On it’s way to you by email now…

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