September 2012
Got Problems With AdWords Product Listing Ads?
I’ve noticed with a few clients recently that there are more and more products in their Google Merchant Center accounts that are being disapproved for ‘Product Search’. These products are *not* guns or drugs or fake goods and they do use upper case excessively. Naturally, I asked (on a number of occasions) AdWords and Merchant […]
AdWords Sitelinks To be ‘More Proactively’ Enforced!
See I guess this means that people will have to start setting up some new (very similar) landing pages on their sites so that they can still have meaningful sitelinks with unique landing pages. :-)
AdWords Seller Ratings
Irritatingly, Google have decided that you now need at least 30 reviews *in the last 12 months* to be given the AdWords Seller Ratings stars on your AdWords ads. Here is the official post from Google :- The really ironic thing about this is that if you are an SMB, in order to be […]