12 Months AdSense Earnings
Here’s the revenue form for the last full 12 months. Moral of the story – don’t rely on AdSense revenue as your sole source of income! There’s also the not insignificant problem with AdSense clicks taking people away from your web site to someone else’s. But if it is a good potential client I’m […]
AdSense Earnings Last 12 Months
NB – Most of the earnings came from the PPC / AdWords Vouchers page. Google AdSense can make you a reasonable amount of money from your web site if you are in the right niche, and you have a decent amount of traffic. PPCNI has an absolutely tiny amount of traffic compared to most […]
AdSense (Google Display Network) Popular Ad Sizes
Dynamic = Responsive (as far as I know). Food for thought. *This is taken from only 2 sites that I run AdSense on and results will vary depending on what ad sizes you use and where you place them on your site. But responsive seems like a ‘no brainer’ to me.
AdSense Earnings For This Site 2013
After hosting and domain reservation fees etc. this amounts to a profit of around £160 (approx $266, €193). The RPM is pretty impressive, though I have a feeling that if I was getting 100 million page views, I would find my RPM mysteriously decreasing… PS – I know it is almost April 2014, but better […]
AdSense Earnings For For 2012
£425.86 isn’t bad considering that this site doesn’t get a huge number of visitors. However, if I was to sit down and work out how many hours I spent writing blog posts for this site, and was relying solely on AdSense income, I would probably be working for about £1 an hour! For anyone […]