Google Trusted Stores / Google Trusted Shops In The UK

There is little doubt that this will play an important part in ranking items in Google Shopping in the future.

So if you have an e-commerce site in the UK you cannot afford to ignore it.

I’m not sure why it is called ‘Trusted Shops’ in Google Merchant Center and ‘Trusted Stores’ everywhere else online, but if you are wondering if/when this will be available in the UK, it seems likely that it will be in the second half of 2013. So now you know.

Though it looks like you are out of luck if you ship less than 500 orders a month…

Google Shopping’s Google Trusted Stores program is a clear indicator of a quality merchant under Google’s ranking algorithm. Eligibility requirements include 500 orders shipped per month, more than 90 percent shipped on time, and excellent customer service (likely equivalent to 95 percent or higher seller feedback on Amazon.)


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