3 x £75 Free AdWords Vouchers Giveaway

£75 Google AdWords Voucher 75 gbp

PPCNI has another three of these up for grabs for anyone who wants to get a 2012 AdWords campaign going…

No strings attached.

Valid for use on most Google AdWords accounts that have not already had a voucher applied (unless they are like, really old..).

These vouchers are valid until 14th February – so you’ll need to use them pretty quickly…

Just leave a comment below about what you would use it for. The best 3 will get the voucher by email….

PS – if you are not lucky enough to get this one – then see the following post for details on how you can get a £30 or £50 voucher –

Free AdWords Coupons For Everyone!

12 thoughts on “3 x £75 Free AdWords Vouchers Giveaway

  1. John Burton says:

    I’ll use it for develop and introduce myself to others.

  2. Hamid Kazemi says:

    comming for more visitors to my website.

  3. Brad says:

    Hello Jordan, could you please provide me with one voucher to advertise my website. Thank You

  4. Amy says:

    I would like to build a community of followers. This will help me to do just that. You need others in order to grow!

  5. steve says:

    Hi jordan, thanks for offer. If you can send me voucher I’ll use my first website.


  6. Jordan says:

    John, Brad, Amy, a voucher is on it’s way to each of you by email.

  7. adam says:

    is it still available can i get one for my website promotion.


  8. Brad says:

    Thank You Jordan :)

  9. John Burton says:

    Thanks Jordan

  10. Jordan says:

    Sorry – all gone for now, but keep following and we’ll be giving more away again in the near future…

  11. Farah says:

    Hello Jordan. Can I get any of those vouchers when available? I will use it to promote my organization selling fair trade vegetables globally.

  12. Jordan says:

    They’re all gone.

    We’ll be giving some more away soon…

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