Free £75 AdWords Coupon

£75 Google AdWords Voucher 75 gbp

I have another one of these up for grabs.

No strings attached.

Valid for use on Google AdWords accounts that are 14 days old or less (and have not already had a voucher applied).

Just leave a comment below about what you would use it for, and I’ll pick the best one during the next few days, and send the voucher by email….

PS – if you are not lucky enough to get this one – then see the following post for details on how you can get a £30 or £50 voucher –

Free AdWords Coupons For Everyone!

10 thoughts on “Free £75 AdWords Coupon

  1. Kludge says:

    I’d love to get this off you if still available, could really use it. Just registered. Thanks!

  2. Jordan says:

    It’s on its way to you by email….

  3. Kludge says:

    Wohoo, brilliant! Got it! Thanks Jordan! :)

  4. Jordan says:

    You’re welcome.

  5. Nathan says:

    Kindly send me one coupon

  6. Jordan says:

    It’s gone….

  7. jason harris says:

    Hi Jordan

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could forward me one of these vouchers. i want to surprise my Dad and get him advertising on Google, He has a website but doesnt really see the benefit of what Google can do. Hopefully this would give me the chance to move him out of the dark ages ha !!!!

  8. Jordan says:

    Sorry Jason, that one is gone already, but keep following, and I’ll be giving another couple away before Christmas…

  9. brian says:

    Hi Jordan,
    got any more coupons?
    need to get some with some friends…

  10. Jordan says:

    I’ll be giving another one away soon. Stay tuned…

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