Free £25 Facebook Advertising Coupon.

If anyone wants it – just leave a comment…

13 thoughts on “Free £25 Facebook Advertising Coupon.

  1. Richard Miles says:

    We’ll take it!

  2. Jordan says:

    That was quick.
    It’s on its way to you by email…

  3. mike jones says:

    Yes please

  4. Jordan says:

    Sorry – you’re about 30 seconds too late!

  5. Matt says:

    It seems i’m late, if not please let me get one.

  6. Jordan says:

    Yes, too late, but we’ll be giving another one away soon….

  7. jake says:

    let me know about the next one please.

  8. Rhymes says:


  9. Waqar says:

    Hello Friend

    Kindly send me also £25 facebook Cradit
    Thanks In advance

  10. Jordan says:

    It’s gone.

  11. Gourav Arora says:

    i want a facebook coupon plz mail me the coupon of 25 euro

  12. Jordan says:

    Sorry, that one’s long gone…

  13. Yom says:

    Would love to have a coupon. Thanks for the offer

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