AdWords Negative Keywords

When you opt to include ‘plurals, misspellings and other close variants’ in your campaign settings, this is also supposed to apply to negative keywords as well as your (positive) keywords.

Just be aware that this is not perfect, and if you get a lot of traffic and/or pay a lot for each click then it is worth explicitly adding misspellings for your negative keywords.

Here are just a couple of recent examples:-

-manchester got a click from someone who had included “manchaster” in their search.
-unfinished got a click from someone who had included “unfionished” in their search.

To mind, it is pretty obvious to anyone that the ads should not have shown for these search terms.

NB – I bet you a lot of money that Google are better at picking up misspellings for your (positive) keywords than your negative ones, but I haven’t gathered evidence for this, and maybe I’m just getting cynical in my old age…

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