Google Advertising Fundamentals Exam (Passed).

Sceptical FaceI sat and passed this today with a score of 95%.
There were 113 questions which means that I got more than 5 wrong!
I’ll get over this due to the fact I did zero revision, answered all the 113 questions in approximately 25 minutes, and there are more than a few devious questions where there are 2 answers that are pretty much equally correct.

It is nearly 2 years since I last sat this exam, but from memory (for anyone who is thinking of sitting it soon), there was a lot more emphasis on the Google Display Network than I remember there being 2 years ago. There were also a few questions about Google Website Optimizer, and (amazingly) a couple of very up to date questions, including one which took into account that landing page quality now directly affects keyword Quality Score…

6 thoughts on “Google Advertising Fundamentals Exam (Passed).

  1. Veerender says:

    Congrates for scoring 95%..please share your experience with me as i am going to give exam tomorrow..


  2. Jordan says:

    It’s not difficult if you do a small amount of revision, and work with AdWords regularly.

  3. Veerender says:

    Thanks jordan,
    I have passed my fundamental exam with 90%, If you appeared the Advanced Search exam, what other ares we can concentrate on other than learning center.

  4. Jordan says:

    Use the AdWords Learning Centre and, and you’ll be fine…

  5. Kel-otachibsg says:

    Hi, I only have experience in using Adwords for a month or so. Have taken the exam and only got 72% for fundamentals! Are there any other sources for revision other then the learning center ??

  6. Jordan says:



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