Another Free £50 Google AdWords Voucher! (Merry Xmas). *UK Adresses Only*.

£50 Google AdWords Voucher

I have another one of these up for grabs (If you have a billing address in the UK).

No strings attached.

Valid for use on Google AdWords accounts that are 14 days old or less (and have not already had a voucher applied).

Just leave a comment below about what you would use it for, and I’ll pick the best one during the next few days, and send the voucher by email….

Merry Christmas! (And her’s a wee picture of a Santa for good measure)

PS – if you are not lucky enough to get this one – then see the following post for details on how you can get a £30 or £50 voucher –

Free AdWords Coupons For Everyone!

16 thoughts on “Another Free £50 Google AdWords Voucher! (Merry Xmas). *UK Adresses Only*.

  1. Brad says:

    Hello, would you please send me the coupon. I just copied Santa’s picture :) loool

  2. Jordan says:

    Brad – I’m sorry – this voucher will only work for business addresses in the UK.
    I should have made that clear above..

  3. Jeremiah says:


    Do you come across any vouchers that are valid in Southern Ireland?


  4. Jordan says:

    Good question, look on this page :-

    Though I’m not sure if the offers apply to the Republic Of Ireland…

  5. Beverley says:


    I am in the process of setting up a business in Counselling and Hypnosis. You can see my website at (just trying to work out how to build it)

    I’m guilty of not really knowing how adwords works, but it’s on my list of things to do as far as promoting my new site, so the voucher would be really useful.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year!

    (Manchester – UK)

  6. Jordan says:

    Beverly, the voucher is on it’s way to you by email now…
    Good luck.

  7. Nasif says:

    I will advertise my products on Google adwords. Hope to get one :)

  8. Jordan says:

    This one is gone – but keep following and we’ll be giving another one away soon…

  9. fabrizio says:

    Hi Jordan, could you send me a voucher for advertising my online guitar lessons website?

  10. Jordan says:

    Keep following, we’ll be giving another few away soon…

  11. Jasmin says:

    could i have one pleassss!

  12. Jordan says:

    This one is gone, but if you have a look at the latest post on the web site – you may find there is still one voucher left for £75… :-×3/1828/

  13. Lucie says:

    Can I get one please? Hope I’m not too late :(

  14. Jordan says:

    Stay tuned, we’ll be giving another couple away very soon….

  15. melissa lane says:

    Hi Jordan, please could we have one? :)

  16. Jordan says:

    Sorry – it’s gone but stay tuned and I’ll be giving another one away soon.

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