How do ‘Mobile Devices’ convert on the Google Search network?

By ‘Mobile Devices’, I mean mobile devices with full browsers like iPhones, Android phones, iPads etc. Not old fashioned WAP browsers (does anyone still use them?)…

Anyway, the answer to ‘ How do ‘Mobile Devices’ convert on the Google Search network?’  is, it varies, but with mobile usage increasing all the time, it would be unwise to ignore them completely.

Here is an example screen shot from a campaign that is using conversion optimizer :-

(Click to enlarge)

You can see that in this instance at least, even though the click through rate and conversion rate of mobile devices is lower, this campaign has received an extra 22 conversions that it would not have received if ‘mobile devices’ were turned off in the campaign settings.

If Google (and nearly everyone else) then it will not be too long before the number of conversions you could potentially get from mobile devices will exceed the number of conversions from desktop and laptop computers…

If anyone else has any interesting stats about mobile devices, then I would love to hear them!

One thought on “How do ‘Mobile Devices’ convert on the Google Search network?

  1. PPCNI says:

    [New Post] How do ‘Mobile Devices’ convert on the Google Search network? – via #twitoaster

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