Google AdWords Reporting & Analysis Advanced Exam…

PPCNI owner, Jordan McClements just passed the Google AdWords Reporting & Analysis Advanced Exam with a score of 95%.

He has now passed :-

Google Advertising Fundamentals Exam

Search Advertising Advanced Exam

Reporting & Analysis Advanced Exam

This leaves just one exam left to do :-

Display Advertising Advanced Exam

PS – you only need 2 of the above exams to qualify as a Google Advertising Professional

8 thoughts on “Google AdWords Reporting & Analysis Advanced Exam…

  1. PPCNI says:

    [New Post] Google AdWords Reporting & Analysis Advanced Exam… – via #twitoaster

  2. RJProbert says:

    RT @PPCNI: [New Post] Google AdWords Reporting & Analysis Advanced Exam… – via #twitoaster

  3. Iken says:

    Jordan, I guess this makes you one of the best guys around to give advice on Google Adwords. Do you offer consultancy services?

  4. Jordan says:

    I sure do. Prices start from £150… :-)

  5. Bronwen says:

    Hi Jordan!

    Well done on all the exams! Have you taken the Display Exam yet? I am about to, and so wanted to ask for any advice!


  6. Jordan says:

    Hi Bronwen.
    I have been threatening to take the Display exam for the past 2 weeks – but other commitments keep getting in the way!
    I promise I will sit it soon…

  7. Bronwen says:


    i took the exams in this order: fundamentals, display and search. I am about to sit the Reporting. Any tips?



  8. Jordan says:

    The advice is pretty similar to the other exams – make sure you study the Reporting and Analysis section of AdWords Learning Center, and if you are not a natural at taking exams, it is worth checking out

    One last piece of advice, do all the easy questions first, and there are a couple of *very* difficult questions regarding customised reports,dimensions, and metrics which I don’t think even the person who wrote the exam knows the answer too – so don’t spend too much time trying to work out the answers to these questions unless you have all the other ones answered first!

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