Free £50 Google AdWords Voucher..

(Valid for accounts that are 14 days old or less).

If anyone wants it, please leave a relevant comment on any blog post on this web site other than this one (or any of the other free adwords voucher posts)…


13 thoughts on “Free £50 Google AdWords Voucher..

  1. PPCNI says:

    [New Post] Free £50 Google AdWords Voucher.. – via #twitoaster

  2. steve says:

    Hey, great site – some really good articles. Is the voucher still up for grabs?

  3. Jordan says:

    Steve, a voucher is on it’s way to you now…

  4. JJ says:

    any left?

  5. Jordan says:

    Sorry – no – but stay tuned and I’ll be giving another one away soon… Thanks!

  6. Inkspot says:

    Any chance of a voucher when available?

    I am very new to this and this is the first time I have tried for free vouchers.


  7. Inkspot says:

    Sorry, forgot mention the very useful website with much help available. Many thanks

  8. Jordan says:

    Thanks. The voucher is gone but I’ll be giving another away soon, so stay tuned…. (or follow me on twitter).

  9. Eoin says:


    I really like your site – very helpful. If any more vouchers become available please let me know. I’m very keen to try AdWords. Cheers.

  10. Jordan says:

    Eoin, thanks, and I’ll be giving another one away very soon.
    Stay tuned.

  11. James says:

    hey Eoin

    Anymore more vouchers left.


  12. See
    Another Free £50 AdWords Voucher For anyone who still wants one of these…..

  13. Glasgow Estate Agents says:

    Any more left ??

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