Increase Online Sales – use Google Checkout!

Fast Checkout Through Google Checkout
Google Checkout Accepted

I think that Google Checkout has some way to go before it is a popular as Paypal.

But regardless if anyone actually uses it as payment option on your eCommerce site or not, the fact remains, that if you are running a Google AdWords campaign, and you link your AdWords and Checkout accounts, then you get a nice shiny Google Checkout badge attached to all your AdWords adverts (on Google search results in the UK if you you signed up for a Google Checkout account in the UK).

Google say that this can increase Click Through Rate by 10%.

This means that you should be able to make 10% more sales without having to pay any extra money for each sale (whether you use CPC bidding or CPA bidding).

But is it true, or are Google exaggerating just a little bit?

Well, I can confirm after trying this out, and with with some fairly large campaigns that CTR has increased by 10.3%!

Also, if you have a Google shopping feed (and you should), then you also get a nifty little Google checkout symbol beside all of your items in the Google Shopping listings, and a ‘Seller Ratings’ link, which has to help at least a little bit as well (unless you have terrible customer service)…

If anyone would any further info on any of these things, then please leave a comment.


2 thoughts on “Increase Online Sales – use Google Checkout!

  1. Simon says:

    I have to look at google checkout with a little optimism if im honest. I used to manage a clients website who spent over £800 a DAY on adwords, we were told repeatedly by Google that by adding the google checkout as an option, we WOULD… not SHOULD, but WOULD increase click through’s and therefore sales by anything from 10% to 35%. After much planning we migrated from Sagepay to Google checkout, after 6 months, no increase to speak of. P.S – Please could i get the FREE £50 Adwords Voucher for new accounts as mentioned in your other post? Thank you.

  2. Jordan says:

    Results vary I guess – but from what I have seen so far their claim of an increase in CTR of 10% does seem justified.
    By the way, you don’t have to migrate totally from Sage Pay to Google checkout, just give people the option to use Google checkout at the start of your checkout process… So far it looks like quite a small minority of people actually use Google checkout to pay for goods once they have got to your eCommerce site…

    Any yes, you can have the voucher.

    It’s on it’s way to your email address now…

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