Free £50 Google AdWords Promotional Code

If anyone wants this, no strings attached, please post a comment. First come, first served!

30 thoughts on “Free £50 Google AdWords Promotional Code

  1. Kev says:

    Hi there

    Would love to start off my adwords campaign witha freebee.

    many thanks


  2. Jordan says:

    Voucher is on its way!

  3. Nau says:

    Me too

  4. Darshan says:

    Any more!? :)

  5. This is great, I’d love to receive this coupon!

    Thank you!


  6. Terence says:

    I need one too. Thanks!

  7. Jordan says:

    Long gone everyone, sorry.

    I’ll be giving another one away in the not too distant future..

    NB – if you join the FSB, they generally send you one of these very month!

    If you set up an AdSense account, you’ll eventually get one as well.

    Ditto if you set up a Google Local Business Center account..

  8. I would love this voucher please, want to see what adwords can do for me.

  9. Jordan says:

    Long gone everyone, sorry.

  10. Ric says:

    I really want this code thanks

  11. Jordan says:

    Long gone, but subscribe to my feed, as I’ll be giving another away soon..

  12. Can I have a coupon please? Hope this works, cool blog. Very interesting idea. Have you had much luck with it?

  13. wirabumi says:

    i’m newbe here
    please send the coupon so i can start learning adword


  14. Neil says:

    Please send me a coupon if possible – would like to have a go with google adwords.


  15. Peter Foulk says:


    I would very much appreciate an adwords voucher code to help kickstart my business.

    Thank-you kindly!

  16. lior says:

    it would great to get one

  17. Jordan says:


    Long gone, but Red Fly Marketing are giving more away at:-

  18. m tran says:

    this blog got me interested in adwords, would be thankful for that voucher!

  19. Jordan says:

    This one was gone a *long* time ago.
    I recently gave another one away here

    But you have missed that as well, but if you subscribe to my RSS feed or follow em on twitter, I’ll be giving another one away soon.


  20. katie says:

    I would love a voucher thanks

  21. Jordan says:

    It’s long gone – but stay tuned as I’ll be offering another one soon…


  22. Mark says:

    How come?
    Please send me

  23. Jordan says:

    I’ll be giving another one away soon. In the mean time – please see the following pages :-


  24. bob says:

    Yea sign me up!

  25. Jordan says:

    I’m not sure what you mean by that, but anyway……

  26. adiltariq says:

    Please send Me one google adword code

  27. sammijo says:

    please please please can i have one would love to start advertising my business straight away = )

  28. WENDY NEWBY says:

    i would like this offer please if there is any more thankyou

  29. Rozy says:

    Id like a voucher please! :)

  30. pete says:

    looking forward to using adword

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