Free £30 Google AdWords Voucher

I have another £30 voucher to give away (no strings attached).

Just post a comment.

First Come, First Served….

15 thoughts on “Free £30 Google AdWords Voucher

  1. Phil says:

    Yes please :)

  2. Jordan says:

    That was quick!
    It’s on its way Phil….

  3. Alex says:

    If I’m not too late I’d love a voucher


  4. Alex says:

    Do you have any more vouchers Jordan?
    If so I’d like one very much


  5. shail says:

    if u have one pls mail it to

  6. Jordan says:

    Sorry everyone else – it is already gone.
    But I generally give at least one away every month, so subscribe to my RSS feed to be kept updated..
    (I sometimes put it on twitter but not all the time).

  7. berke says:

    pls adwors kupuno istiyorum

  8. Jordan says:

    It’s gone….. Sorry.

    Come back in 2010 when I’ll be giving away some more free AdWords vouchers.

    Happy new year!

  9. Siva says:

    If u have any Voucher, pls send me a mail or Comment in my website… Thanks in advance

  10. Jordan says:

    Long gone …

    But do subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter (we are @PPCNI) as I’ll be giving more away in the near future!

  11. Rebecca says:


    Do you have any adwords vouchers for 2010?

    If so, can you please email them to me.

    Many thanks,

  12. Jordan says:

    I will have another voucher soon.

    Subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter (we are @PPCNI) as I’ll be giving more away in the future!

  13. Gwen says:

    Thanks very much

  14. David Webb says:

    I’d like a voucher please!

  15. Jordan says:

    Sorry – long gone – but stay tuned…. I’ll be giving another one away free soon..

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