How much difference does a faster processor make to AdWords Editor (Windows 7)?
I upgraded my old AMD Athlon II to and AMD Athlon IIX3 (Don’t laugh, those of you with state of the art processors).
The Windows experience index says that the speed of the CPU increased from 6.3 to 6.9.
Anyone who has used AdWords Editor for big accounts knows that it can be sluggish.
So what difference does the faster processor make?
In an account with just over 110,000 keywords – adjusting all the bids by a percentage at keyword level with the old CPU took 85 seconds. With the new CPU, 70 seconds.
So, with the older processor, big operations in AdWords Editor are about 21% slower.
During the bid updates, there was also a lot of disk activity, so I assume for smaller accounts / operations the speed difference should be even more noticeable (though if someone put the same processor back in my PC and told me it was a faster one I would probably think some things were noticeably faster).
The processor cost just over £50, so it shouldn’t take too long to recoup the cost with the amount of time saved.
Here’s a wee pic for those of you who are into that type of thing :-
(I had to re-use the old heat sink as the power connector was different from the old one).
The next upgrade for the work PC will be a half decent SSD.