Your Home Page Is Your New Shop Window, Right?
Your home page is important. There is no denying that.
But do the majority of people who visit your web site enter through your home page?
Let’s have a look at some stats from a few different Google Analytics accounts :-
Account 1 (Page Views)
There were about 1 million unique page views, and only 33,000 unique home page views. So approximately 3.3% of unique page views on this site are the home page.
Though ‘Landing pages’ are more useful for showing how many people entered your site through your home page. Let’s have a look:-
Account 1 (Landing Pages)
Approximately 6.6% of visits to this site started at the home page.
Rather than plaster this page with loads of screen shots, I’ll summarise some more accounts…
Account 2 – Approx 10% of visits started at the home page.
Account 3 – 11.4% of visits started at the home page.
Account 4 – 17.8% of visits started at the home page.
This doesn’t mean you should neglect your home page. It *is* important. You’ll probably also find that the percentage of people entering your web site through the home page is significantly higher if:-
- You are a well known brand.
- All your PPC ads come through to your home page (not usually a good idea).
- You don’t have a Google Shopping Feed set up.
- You don’t pay for ‘Product Listing Ads’.
- You don’t do PPC.
- Your site is not an e-commerce site.
- Your site doesn’t have very many pages.
If anyone else has any interesting landing page stats, please feel free to share them!