Longer Titles/Headlines For Some Google AdWords Ads (Google Make Ads Look Even More Like Organic Results)…

I noticed this yesterday on a advert belonging to one of my Clients – and had to do a ‘double take’  as I had never seen an AdWords ad title longer than 25 characters before. I reckoned it must have been some experimental thing that Google were trying out, but it turns out that this is a global change as of the 3rd of February 2011…



For further details.

This looks like one more reason why it may be worth paying extra to have your ads appear above the search results rather than to the right of the search results.

One of the most interesting parts of the post is:

“While only some ads will be shown with the longer headline, you can increase your chances by ensuring that each line of your ad appears to be a distinct sentence and ends in the proper punctuation (e.g., a period or a question mark). Since this is a global change, punctuation will vary by country.”

I’ll certainly be bearing that in mind from now on.

Google also talk complete nonsense in the post by saying it “creates a better experience for users”. What it actually does is  make the ads look even more like the organic results.

So I do believe them when they say “We’ve found that the change results in higher clickthrough rates”…

SEO Guys/Girls – Your job just got even harder!

PS – This also means that if you construct your ads correctly, you can now have an exclamation mark at the end of your ad title! (Something that was previously not allowed – though for how long they will allow this I am not sure).

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